Closeouts’s Closeouts has swords, knives and so much more at unbelievably low prices. Snag something before it’s gone!

80 Results
80 Results
Shinwa Royal Warrior Katana/Samurai sword with black lacquered scabbard, black nylon cord wrapped handle and sharp Damascus steel blade. Zoomed view of custom winged tsuba design along with black scabbard and detailing of the hardwood handle wrapped in nylon cord. Shinwa katana handle shown wrapped with black nylon cord. Detailed view showcasing the faux ray skin of the handle wrapped with braided cord and metal adornment. Closeup view of the sharp hand forged Damascus steel blade. The tsuba is shown with a black detailed winglike pattern. Detailed view of the black braided cording wrapped around the solid black lacquer hardwood scabbard. Brass collar shown surrounding the Shinwa blade with another look at the winged tsuba.
$97.98 Price reduced from $229.99 to
6172 Shinwa Royal Warrior Handmade Samurai Sword USD 132.01 1 Shinwa Swords Japanese Swords Handmade Swords CL1 Category L1 97.98
$89.98 Price reduced from $192.99 to
11336 Shinwa Black Knight Katana USD 103.01 2 Shinwa Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 89.98
$87.98 Price reduced from $129.99 to
50690 Legends In Steel Viking Warrior Sword And Scabbard - Carbon Steel Blade, Wooden Handle - Length 38 1/2" USD 42.01 3 Legends in Steel Swords Historical Swords Viking Swords CL1 Category L1 87.98
$84.98 Price reduced from $109.99 to
15061 Legends In Steel Knights Templar Long Sword and Wall Plaque USD 25.01 4 Legends in Steel Swords Historical Swords Medieval Swords CL1 Category L1 84.98
57% OFF
Tomahawk Black Dragon three piece sword set shown with black, mother-of-pearl accented scabbard and on black wooden display. The katana, wakizashi, and tanto are laid side-by-side, all with matching cord-wrapped hilt. A detailed view of the mother-of-pearl dragon design on the side of the scabbard.
$41.97 Price reduced from $96.99 to
15089 Black Dragon 3-Piece Sword Set USD 55.02 5 Tomahawk Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Sword Sets CL1 Category L1 41.97
$211.98 Price reduced from $269.99 to
47250 Black War Sword And Scabbard - High Carbon Steel Blade, Wooden Handle, Leather-Wrapped - Length 42” USD 58.01 6 TrueSwords Swords Historical Swords Medieval Swords CL1 Category L1 211.98
$19.99 Price reduced from $29.99 to
13453 Natural Wood Daito Sword USD 10.00 7 Tomahawk Swords Practice Swords CL1 Category L1 19.99
$109.98 Price reduced from $196.99 to
40912 Sokojikara Natsukashii Handmade Tachi / Samurai Sword USD 87.01 8 Sokojikara Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 109.98
$59.98 Price reduced from $89.99 to
50081 Forged Warrior Ninja Battle Sword And Scabbard - Spring Steel Blade, Wax Cord-Wrapped Handle - Length 38 1/4” USD 30.01 9 TrueSwords Swords Battle Ready Swords CL1 Category L1 59.98
$89.98 Price reduced from $136.99 to
46686 Kojiro® Kraken Katana With Scabbard - Carbon Steel Blade, Hardwood Handle, Leather-Wrapped Grip - Length 39” USD 47.01 10 TrueSwords Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 89.98
$19.99 Price reduced from $29.99 to
13454 Black Hardwood Daito Sword USD 10.00 11 Tomahawk Swords Practice Swords CL1 Category L1 19.99
$26.98 Price reduced from $39.99 to
37132 Middle Ages Warrior Short Broadsword With Black Sheath - Double-Edged Sharp Blade - 22 1/2” Length USD 13.01 12 Tomahawk Swords Fantasy Swords Film And Video Game Swords CL1 Category L1 26.98