Safely Using and Caring for Your Axe Blade


It's important to remember that an axe’s blade is a tool as much as a weapon, and has a lot of uses, from splitting wood to squaring timbers.

Therefore, if your axe blade sees a lot of utilitarian use, and not just cosplay, display, or martial arts training, it’s important to know not only how to safely use and handle it, but also how to care for it.
This short post will walk you through some of the basics.

Wear Appropriate Protective Clothing

Probably the most important thing to remember when working with an axe, such as when felling trees, bucking logs, or splitting wood, is to wear appropriate protective gear.

First and foremost this means appropriate footwear. Do not work, train, or practice with your axe unless you are wearing stout, close-toed shoes. Steel-toe boots provide the best protection, but heavy, soft-toe hiking boots or work boots are acceptable here.

Gloves will protect your hands; they are valuable but not always absolutely necessary. It is also a good idea to wear protective eyewear to protect your eyes from flying chips and other debris.

Know Where Your Axe Blade Is Going to Land If You Miss

The biggest mistake most people make when they swing an axe blade is that they haven’t made doubly sure of where the axe is going to land if the swing misses; and trust us, you are not strong enough to stop the axe in time if you do miss.

Do not swing the axe in such a manner that the axe’s blade (bit) is in line to hit you in the leg or foot if the blade overtravels. This right here is the most important piece of advice we can offer.

Make sure you are splitting or cutting on a block, or swinging in a way that there is something there to stop the axe blade if you miss.

Always Be Aware of Your Surroundings

When working with your axe, whether you’re bushcrafting or just training in the yard, it’s equally important that you be aware of who is around you - not just that your axe won’t strike you if you overtravel.

Make sure any bystanders present stay out of your “blood circle” which corresponds to the greatest radius you can produce by swinging the axe around you. In other words, make sure everyone stays farther away from you than you can reach with the axe.


Do Not Swing the Bit into the Ground

If you’re willing to pay good money for a battle-ready axe, don’t swing it so that the bit strikes into the ground. Even soft earth is not soft enough that it won’t damage the bit. There could be small rocks or gravel in there that will put a divot in the bit, and on top of that, even soft earth will progressively dull the blade. Even if that were the case, the earth holds moisture that can damage the finish of your axe blade, or worse, rust it.

Don’t Use the Poll As a Hammer


Some axes and tomahawks have square polls (the back of the axe head) and can be used for light work, for instance, driving tent stakes. But do not use the poll for driving wedges for the purpose of splitting. Heavy hammering on the poll will deform the eye of the axe, which can cause the head to come loose, and worse, which will make it much more difficult to hang a new haft.

Keep the Bit Sharp

If you use your axe for a lot of splitting, you don’t need to worry too much about a sharp bit. But if you do a lot of hewing, carving, felling work, limbing, or other roughing, then a sharp bit is your friend. Spend some time with a puck or stone after every use removing any chips and restoring the edge.

Keep the Axe Blade Oiled

After use, make sure to apply a light coat of oil to the axe head before storing. All exposed steel should be lightly oiled to prevent oxidation and rust.

If Your Axe Has a Wooden Haft


If you have an axe or a tomahawk with a wooden haft (handle) then you will want to treat the handle with oil, too, specifically an oil intended to be used on wood. One good option is linseed oil; a good schedule to keep is to oil the haft “once a day for a week, once a week for a month, and once a month for life.”

Doing so will help prevent your handle from warping, cracking, or experiencing other damage related to moisture exposure or absorption.

Explore Axes, Blades and More

Here for a new axe or blade? Take a look through our catalog to find a wide range of axes, tomahawks, swords and weapons, and if you have any questions about anything we sell, get in touch with us.