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29 Results
50274 Kit Rae Black Axios Sword Cane USD 1 Kit Rae Swords Sword Canes CL2 Category L2 149.99
9308 Lord of the Rings Witch King Sword - By United Cutlery USD 2 Lord of the Rings Brands Lord Of The Rings Movie Replicas - Swords, Helms, & Staffs CL1 Category L1 249.99
24898 Gil Hibben Custom Hook Sword Cane USD 3 Gil Hibben Swords Sword Canes CL1 Category L1 139.99
44721 Lord of The Rings Gandalf's Moria Staff - By United Cutlery USD 4 Lord of the Rings Brands Lord Of The Rings Movie Replicas - Swords, Helms, & Staffs CL3 Category L3 219.99
50276 Bushmaster Mamba OTF Knife USD 5 Bushmaster Knives Pocket Knives CL1 Category L1 39.99
The Honshu Single-Handed Broadsword's full length on display The sword in use A close-up of the pommel and handle A view of the sword's handle and crossguard
48331 Honshu Single-Handed Broadsword USD 6 Honshu Swords Historical Swords Bastard Swords CL1 Category L1 209.99
180 Lord of the Rings Glamdring Blue Scabbard - By United Cutlery USD 7 Lord of the Rings Brands Lord Of The Rings Movie Replicas - Swords, Helms, & Staffs CL1 Category L1 179.99
51800 Armed Force Tactical Black Automatic OTF Knife And Sheath - Stainless Steel Blade, Metal Handle, Slide Trigger - Length 9 3/4" USD 8 BUDK Knives Pocket Knives CL1 Category L1 69.99
$449.98 Price reduced from $499.99 to
52800 The Lord of the Rings Strider Sword & Scabbard Bundle - By United Cutlery USD 50.01 9 Lord of the Rings Brands Lord Of The Rings Movie Replicas - Swords, Helms, & Staffs CL1 Category L1 449.98
32742 M48 Magnum Spear With Vortec Sheath USD 10 M48 Top selling products of 2024 CL1 Category L1 109.99
6021 Lord of the Rings Scabbard of Frodo's Sting Sword - By United Cutlery USD 11 Lord of the Rings Brands Lord Of The Rings Movie Replicas - Swords, Helms, & Staffs CL1 Category L1 84.99
6017 Lord of the Rings Narsil Sword - By United Cutlery USD 12 Lord of the Rings Brands Lord Of The Rings Movie Replicas - Swords, Helms, & Staffs CL1 Category L1 239.99