Closeouts’s Closeouts has swords, knives and so much more at unbelievably low prices. Snag something before it’s gone!

79 Results
79 Results
$82.98 Price reduced from $99.99 to
38387 Devil May Cry Red Queen Sword Of Nero USD 17.01 25 BUDK Swords Fantasy Swords Film And Video Game Swords CL1 Category L1 82.98
$6.98 Price reduced from $12.99 to
39661 Shadow Warrior Assisted Opening Pocket Knife | DamascTec Steel Blade | Black And Gold USD 6.01 26 BUDK Knives Pocket Knives CL1 Category L1 6.98
$86.98 Price reduced from $149.99 to
29823 Shinwa SilkFang Handmade Shirasaya | 27 1/2" Damascus steel blade | 39" overall USD 63.01 27 Shinwa Swords Japanese Swords Handmade Swords CL1 Category L1 86.98
$69.98 Price reduced from $99.99 to
17652 Gil Hibben Old West Bowie Knife and Leather Sheath USD 30.01 28 Gil Hibben Knives Fixed Blade Knives CL1 Category L1 69.98
$26.98 Price reduced from $39.99 to
47353 Shinwa Kandao Ulu Knife | 3Cr13 stainless steel | 5 4/5” full-tang blade | 7 4/5” overall USD 13.01 29 Shinwa Knives Fixed Blade Knives CL1 Category L1 26.98
$19.98 Price reduced from $24.99 to
16577 Marine Force Recon Night Stalker Bowie Knife USD 5.01 30 USMC Knives Fixed Blade Knives CL1 Category L1 19.98
$49.98 Price reduced from $59.99 to
6079 Arabian Shamshir Warrior Sword & Sheath USD 10.01 31 BUDK Swords Historical Swords Scimitar Swords CL1 Category L1 49.98
$66.98 Price reduced from $152.99 to
50702 Shinwa Samurai Tachi Sword | 1045 high carbon steel | 28 1/2” blade | 38” overall USD 86.01 32 Shinwa Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 66.98
$49.98 Price reduced from $96.99 to
15089 Black Dragon 3-Piece Sword Set USD 47.01 33 Tomahawk Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Sword Sets CL1 Category L1 49.98
$59.98 Price reduced from $99.99 to
49726 Kojiro Midnight Hand-Forged Katana Set And Stand - Carbon Steel Blades, Cord-Wrapped Handles, Cast Metal Alloy Tsubas USD 40.01 34 TrueSwords Swords CL1 Category L1 59.98
$48.98 Price reduced from $59.99 to
38390 Highlander Closed Mouth Dragon Katana with Black Lacquered Saya - 1045 High Carbon Steel Blade - Battle Ready USD 11.01 35 BUDK Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 48.98
$49.98 Price reduced from $59.99 to
48686 Combat Commander Two-Handed Spartan Sword and Sheath USD 10.01 36 Combat Commander Slash Into Steals CL1 Category L1 49.98