Closeouts’s Closeouts has swords, knives and so much more at unbelievably low prices. Snag something before it’s gone!

79 Results
79 Results
$89.98 Price reduced from $192.99 to
11336 Shinwa Black Knight Katana USD 103.01 1 Shinwa Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 89.98
$59.98 Price reduced from $89.99 to
50081 Forged Warrior Ninja Battle Sword And Scabbard - Spring Steel Blade, Wax Cord-Wrapped Handle - Length 38 1/4” USD 30.01 2 TrueSwords Swords Battle Ready Swords CL1 Category L1 59.98
$26.98 Price reduced from $39.99 to
37132 Middle Ages Warrior Short Broadsword With Black Sheath - Double-Edged Sharp Blade - 22 1/2” Length USD 13.01 3 Tomahawk Swords Fantasy Swords Film And Video Game Swords CL1 Category L1 26.98
$49.98 Price reduced from $69.99 to
40942 Forged Warrior Spear - High Carbon Spring Steel One-Piece Construction, PU Wrapped Handle - Length 42” USD 20.01 4 TrueSwords Closeouts Sword Closeouts CL1 Category L1 49.98
$19.99 Price reduced from $29.99 to
13453 Natural Wood Daito Sword USD 10.00 5 Tomahawk Swords Practice Swords CL1 Category L1 19.99
$211.98 Price reduced from $269.99 to
47250 Black War Sword And Scabbard - High Carbon Steel Blade, Wooden Handle, Leather-Wrapped - Length 42” USD 58.01 6 TrueSwords Swords Historical Swords Medieval Swords CL1 Category L1 211.98
$39.98 Price reduced from $46.99 to
33342 Combat Commander Modern Tactical Spartan Sword USD 7.01 7 Combat Commander Swords Historical Swords Gladius Swords CL1 Category L1 39.98
$225.98 Price reduced from $302.99 to
32333 Sokojikara Bambusa Handmade Katana / Samurai Sword USD 77.01 8 Sokojikara Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 225.98
$177.98 Price reduced from $196.99 to
40935 Shinwa Lazuli Handmade Samurai Sword | 28” Damascus steel blade | 40 1/2” overall USD 19.01 9 Shinwa Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 177.98
$183.98 Price reduced from $252.99 to
14244 Shikoto Rurousha Handmade Katana / Samurai Sword USD 69.01 10 Shikoto Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 183.98
$169.98 Price reduced from $288.99 to
14242 Shikoto Black Kogane Dynasty Forged Tachi Damascus Sword USD 119.01 11 Shikoto Swords Japanese Swords Japanese Katanas CL1 Category L1 169.98
$39.98 Price reduced from $49.99 to
31356 Twin Ninja Sword Stick Set USD 10.01 12 BUDK Swords Japanese Swords Other Japanese Swords CL1 Category L1 39.98